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Wheel is the most used ability in Knidl as it is the fastest and most versatile in horizontal mobility. Wheel can also break metal blocks

Wheel Cancel

Wheel's "skidding" animation can be skipped entirely by buffering a dash input. The way you do this is tap (or hold) forward, let go and press B, then press forward again all in rapid succession. The skidding animation can also be canceled partway through with a jump but dashing before jumping is optimal as it skips the entire animation.


Wheel Turn Cancel(?)

By turning before canceling wheel, you will launch yourself in the other direction. You won't be able to use wheel as early as canceling it normally, but it still saves some frames each time.


Reverse Bonk

You always bonk away from the direction you are facing. By turning before bonking off a wall, you will bounce forward allowing you to reach locations otherwise impossible to reach without floating.



Hi-Jump is ability where you jump very high with a hitbox while invincible. It is the fastest and most versatile method of vertical movement, while also dealing strong damage. Hi-Jump is used throughout the run but is seen the most during Butter Building.

Hi-Jump Cancel

To use Hi-Jump, press B. If you want to cancel your Hi-Jump you can press B again to immediately start falling. You won't be able to use Hi-Jump again until you touch the ground again.


Also shown in this gif, you can do a short hop before using hi-jump by sliding your fingers from A to B. This grants you a bit more extra height before you begin to slow down.

Hi-Jump Hitbox

Hi-Jump has a both a strong and weak hitbox. HiJump's strength depends on how close you are to the target.


  • This gif uses Autofire in Bizhawk


Ball is a very powerful and complex ability in Knidl. In Kirby mode runs it is first used in 5-2, and then used throughout the run mostly for mid-bosses as well as King Dedede. The main thing you need to know with ball is that you are completely invincible in ball form unless you are touching the floor or at the peak of your jump. You can fall just as fast vertically in ball form as you can as stone Kirby. Kirby's maximum horizontal speed is also faster than jumping while in ball form.


Entering and exiting ball form

When pressing B on the ground, Kirby will enter ball in a very awkward way that leaves you super vulnerable. When entering ball while falling a short distance, Kirby will immediately be rolling on the floor taking advantage of Ball's speedboost. If entering ball form as you jump, Kirby will immediately be bouncing in the air which is useful for certain movement strats or boss patterns.



How damage is dealt

Damage with ball is very strong. You hit up to two times in one jump, once on the way up and once on the way down.



Burning is an ability where you shoot forward as a fireball every time you press B. Here's two important things to note with Burning:

  1. When bonking off of a wall, your distance traveled after the bonk can be influenced by holding a direction on the dpad
  2. When burning into a slope, your burn will be canceled instead of bonking off of the slope like in Katam


UFO is a strong ability where Kirby can fly in all directions without being affected by gravity. UFO is also unique in that you lose the ability upon clearing a stage

UFO Framedata
Frame Description
1-13 Beam
14-48 Small Laser
49-108 Medium Laser
109+ Big Laser