
Jet is one of the most commonly used abilities in KSS speedruns, utilized in almost every sub-game and category.


Grounded Moves

Tap Kick
Quickly press and release Y jet ability

  • Disjointed short kick that can hit twice
  • Only available on ground
  • Used for bossfights. (EX: Heavy Lobster, Whispy Woods, and Bonkers fights)
Jet Kick
Hold Y, release before full charge jet ability

  • Kirby jet dashes forward and ends with a kick
  • Has a fairly short ending animation, though still slower than jet dash chains
  • Has a more disjointed hitbox than the midair jet moves, making it useful for charging through enemies with higher health (Knuckle Joe, Sword Knight, etc)
  • Also can be used for spacing setups in certain areas (EX: mecheye screen 2)

Charge Moves

Hold Y jet ability

  • Charging stance, if held for ~2 seconds Kirby will become fully charged
  • Can be cancelled by shielding, leading Kirby to return to normal ground state
  • Can be cancelled by jumping, leading kirby to Midair Neutral state
  • Charging can be performed in the air if kirby is in the Midair Neutral state where it can be cancelled by hovering
Full Jet Charge
Hold Y until full charge and release jet ability

  • test2
  • test3
Jet Cracker
Hold Y until full charge and release, Repress Y during jet dash jet ability

  • test2
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Jet Suplex
Hold Y until full charge and release while holding Up/Forward/Down when close to enemy jet ability

  • test2
  • test3

Midair Dash Moves

Press Y after running and jumping jet ability

  • test2
  • test3

Midair Neutral Moves

Tap Y in Midair Neutral state jet ability

  • test2
  • test3
Hold Y and release before full charge in Midair Neutral state jet ability

  • test2
  • test3

Advanced Techniques

Cancel Charge

Kirby can store his Jet charge by jumping, sliding, guarding, or climbing up a ladder in the middle of charging Jet.
Capsule J cannot cancel by sliding (he will jump instead).

Miniboss Quick Kills



Carry Momentum Underwater

By activating a tap jet (no dash) in the air while entering water at the same time as hitting a wall, the tap jet's X-speed will be maintained underwater.
Carrying X-speed is frame-perfect.
Y-speed will also be affected if there is wind blowing up in the room (ex. Halfmoon).
Carrying Y-speed has more frame leniency, but is still a tight window.

Avoid Unblockable Attacks

While charging Jet, Kirby is immune to attacks such as King Dedede's inhale or Combo Cannon's lasar beam.
This also happens when inhaling without an ability.

Technical Information

Moveset Specifications

Move Name Button Action Application Type Power Attributes Knockback Breaks Blocks? Goes through... Other Notes
Exhaust Gas Far 6 Inflammation Strong Yes Enemies Appears in various Jet moves
Store Power Hold Y Self Invincible?
Leave Charging State B / Down + B / L / R (all on ground) Self
Jet Kick (weak) Press Y (on ground) Close 14 None Medium Yes Emits exhaust gas
Jet Kick (strong) Hold Y for a moment, then release (on ground)
Helper: Including above, and Dash + Y (on ground)
Close 22 None Strong Yes Emits exhaust gas

About Charge Value

When charging jet, the charge value increases by 1 every frame in RAM address ????.
The initial value of this address is 0, and this value stops increasing when Kirby stops charging. This value will continue to increase while Kirby charges, even at max charge, and will stop at 32767.
Below is a table that shows what RAM value corresponds to the Jet charge state.

Charge State RAM Value
No charge 0 - 5
Mid charge 6 - 40
Max charge 41 - 32767


Simultaneous Up+Down Bug

See KSS:Glitches#Simultaneous...

Ladder Cancel

Jet Suplex

Score Bug

Defeating an enemy with Jet Suplex will reward double the Score originally intended.


Jet Suplex will ignore wind and water currents during its animation. This will last until you land and bounce backward.
Jet Suplex can also allow Kirby to clip through terrain during autoscrollers (See KSS:Glitches#Wallclips.

Other Information

Diving Rocket Collision

Diving Rocket has three hit detections: Kirby himself, the enemy he is holding, and the flames behind him.
Kirby's body is the same as Jet Dash, and the flame behind it is the same as when it is charging power.

Capsule J Air Jump

Normally, Capsule J cannot jump in the air. However, he can jump in mid-air while he is charging power.

Dash Jet Kick

Limited to Capsule J, you can perform a strong Jet Kick by pressing Y while dashing.

Capsule J Mid-Air Jet (Strong)

Capsule J has invincibility when using Strong Mid-Air Jet. This also applies if Capsule J bounces off a wall.