Kirby's Dream Land 3
Abbreviation — KDL3
Developers HAL Laboratory
Release Dates US: November 27, 1997
JP: March 27, 1998
Platforms SNES, KDC, Wii, Wii U, Switch
Main Best Ending (97%), Any%, 100%
Miscellaneous n/a
Extensions n/a

Basic Game Information

Kirby's Dream Land 3 (KDL3) was released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1997. It is a platforming game in which Kirby teams up with his animal friends and Gooey to cleanse Popstar of the darkness that was spread by Dark Matter and Zero. Each stage has a puzzle that must be solved in order to obtain the Heart Star, and obtaining all 30 Heart Stars allows Kirby to call upon the power of the Love-Love Stick to defeat Dark Matter and Zero. KDL3 features the return of Rick the hamster, Kine the fish, and Coo the owl, as well as newcomers Chuchu the octopus, Nago the cat, and Pitch the bird.

Rules & Categories

Best Ending (97%)

Timing starts when pressing "Start" on file select and ends on the last hit on Zero. This category consists of completing the objective in each level in order to obtain all 30 Heart Stars and defeat Zero to obtain the best ending. There are 2 sub-categories, one for 1-player runs and one for 2-player runs. A run is a 2-player run if a second controller is used to take control of Gooey. If Gooey is spawned using the first controller and is never taken control of by the player, that still counts as a 1-player run. There is not currently a co-op category for 2 different runners playing simultaneously, although such a run was showcased at AGDQ 2017.


Timing starts when pressing "Start" on file select and ends on the last hit on King Dedede. Although any run that defeats Dedede from a new file can technically be submitted as an Any% run, the optimal strategy is to avoid collecting any Heart Stars and receive the bad ending. Any% runs are not separated by 1P and 2P runs; it is only a variable. Any% also does not currently have a co-op category.


Timing starts when pressing "Start" on file select and ends on the last hit on Zero in Boss Butch. This category requires obtaining the best ending in the main game, as well as completing the 3 minigames in the "Option" menu on the file select screen. MG5 is unlocked by completing the main game, Jumping is unlocked by completing MG5, and Boss Butch is unlocked by defeating Zero in the main game. Because this category is simply Best Ending plus these minigames, runners will sometimes continue Best Ending runs into 100% runs and submit the same run for both categories. There is no variable or category for 2-player or co-op runs.

Getting Started

Version Differences
Movement & Tech

Route Information & Guides

Best Ending (97%)