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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
16:42, 8 April 2024 Dark Meta Knight.gif (file) 1.86 MB CorvusScribe   1
14:49, 8 April 2024 Meta Knight fight.gif (file) 1.99 MB CorvusScribe Meta Knight fight in KatAM 1
15:39, 5 April 2024 UFO Hands.gif (file) 1.63 MB CorvusScribe   1
13:35, 5 April 2024 Right Kracko.gif (file) 1.67 MB CorvusScribe   1
17:21, 3 April 2024 Wiz hammer bottom.gif (file) 1.89 MB CorvusScribe   1
17:21, 3 April 2024 Wiz hammer top.gif (file) 1.5 MB CorvusScribe   1
22:32, 30 March 2024 Titan 2 cycle.gif (file) 1.68 MB CorvusScribe The Titan Head boss fight in KatAM, done in 2 cycles. 1
22:32, 30 March 2024 Titan 3 cycle.gif (file) 1.63 MB CorvusScribe The Titan Head boss fight in KatAM, done in 3 cycles. 1
21:42, 30 March 2024 King golem wheel.gif (file) 1.89 MB CorvusScribe The King Golem boss fight in KatAM, done with Wheel. 1
21:31, 30 March 2024 King golem stone.gif (file) 1.91 MB CorvusScribe The King Golem boss fight in KatAM, done with Stone. 1
04:22, 21 January 2024 Wiz Hammer.gif (file) 1.64 MB CorvusScribe   1
04:14, 21 January 2024 Cabbage Backup Wheel Mix.png (file) 13 KB CorvusScribe   1
04:13, 21 January 2024 Backup wheel.gif (file) 1.49 MB CorvusScribe   1
04:09, 21 January 2024 Wiz Hammer Mix 100.png (file) 6 KB CorvusScribe   1
04:08, 21 January 2024 Wiz Hammer 100.gif (file) 1.17 MB CorvusScribe   1
04:03, 21 January 2024 Mustard Missile Mix.png (file) 38 KB CorvusScribe   1
03:59, 21 January 2024 Mustard Missile Mix Setup.png (file) 14 KB CorvusScribe   1
03:57, 21 January 2024 Mustard Wheel Mix Setup.gif (file) 576 KB CorvusScribe   1
03:48, 21 January 2024 Moonlight Wheel Mix Setup.gif (file) 1.7 MB CorvusScribe   1
03:41, 21 January 2024 Mustard UFO Mix.png (file) 13 KB CorvusScribe   1
03:37, 21 January 2024 Mustard UFO mix.gif (file) 1.93 MB CorvusScribe   1
03:34, 21 January 2024 Wiz Wheel Mix Setup.gif (file) 1.47 MB CorvusScribe   1
18:50, 8 January 2024 Gobbler Hammer Mix.png (file) 23 KB CorvusScribe   1
18:44, 8 January 2024 Wiz Wheel Mix.png (file) 10 KB CorvusScribe   1
18:42, 8 January 2024 Wiz Wheel Mix alt.png (file) 6 KB CorvusScribe   1
22:29, 20 December 2023 Parasol Movement.gif (file) 1.89 MB CorvusScribe   1
22:28, 20 December 2023 Hitbox Compare.gif (file) 1.98 MB CorvusScribe   1
22:22, 20 December 2023 Momentum.gif (file) 548 KB CorvusScribe   1
20:39, 19 December 2023 Cannon.gif (file) 321 KB CorvusScribe Shotzo hitbox demonstration. Original file from Mugg1991 1
20:18, 19 December 2023 Gobbler Wheel Mix.png (file) 29 KB CorvusScribe reupload 4
20:09, 19 December 2023 Gobbler Mix.gif (file) 1.67 MB CorvusScribe   1
19:49, 19 December 2023 Coop Wheel Mix Setup.png (file) 20 KB CorvusScribe   1
19:43, 19 December 2023 Co-op Wheel Mix.png (file) 4 KB CorvusScribe   1
19:06, 19 December 2023 Pletty Mixes.png (file) 62 KB CorvusScribe fixed unobtainable ability transparency 2
19:04, 19 December 2023 Moonlight Wheel Mix.png (file) 5 KB CorvusScribe   1
18:56, 19 December 2023 Mustard Wheel Mix.png (file) 30 KB CorvusScribe   1
18:38, 19 December 2023 Dark Mind UFO Mix.png (file) 23 KB CorvusScribe   1
18:32, 19 December 2023 Gobbler Wheel Mix Setup.gif (file) 1.88 MB CorvusScribe   1
17:52, 19 December 2023 Tutorial Mix.png (file) 19 KB CorvusScribe   1
17:52, 19 December 2023 Gobbler UFO Mix.png (file) 17 KB CorvusScribe   1
06:10, 24 October 2023 5-1 ufomix.gif (file) 73 KB Shirokirby   1
05:26, 24 October 2023 3-2 ufomix.gif (file) 181 KB Shirokirby   1
09:07, 19 August 2023 RtDL Wing 3.gif (file) 323 KB Okashi   1
08:59, 19 August 2023 RtDL Wing 2.gif (file) 497 KB Okashi   1
03:08, 19 August 2023 RtDL Wing 1.gif (file) 392 KB Okashi   1
04:46, 16 August 2023 FearfulRemorsefulAfricanclawedfrog.webm (file) 1.6 MB Grample   1
04:15, 16 August 2023 DefiantFalseHatchetfish.webm (file) 248 KB Grample   1
20:04, 15 August 2023 KSSControllerButtonsNTSCJ.png (file) 200 KB Nippo   1
20:01, 15 August 2023 KSSControllerButtonsNTSCU.png (file) 192 KB Nippo   1
19:58, 15 August 2023 KSSControllerButtonsPAL.png (file) 175 KB Nippo   1
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