KRtDL:100% 2P+ Route

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100% 2P+ Ability Route


Route used by Shiro in the Current WR (2:25:48).

Edited by Pro_Hybrid

(_____) indicates what ability you should have on level entry.

[_____] indicates what characters you should have spawned on level entry.

ES - Energy Spheres

1-1 (None) [MK]

Spawn P2 Metaknight in world select before entering World 1.


ES(1) Can't miss

Super Ability: Ultra Sword

Spawn P3 Kirby to inhale Ultra Sword.

Break Blocks towards the end for Dimensional Rift

De-spawn P3 before Rift, de-spawn MK at end of Rift before Doomer.

ES(2+3) Doomer


1-2 (Fire)

ES(4) Use Burn to break blocks under (skipping the cannon)

Spawn P2 Metaknight before the start of the 4th room.

ES(5) To the top right of the door in 4th room

Use 2P Shield Attack versus Gigant Edge.

ES(6) Use Metaknight the break the rope.

Finish the level with Metaknight still spawned.

1-3 (Fire) [MK]

ES(7) Under door in 2nd room

ES(8) Use Metaknight to take the Key

ES(9) Use Metaknight to take the Key from Key Dee

1-4 (Fire) [MK]

ES(10) In alcove under platform (Grab with MK)

ES(11) Hit switch under platforms (P2 should be at the door above)

Super Ability: Monster Flame

Spawn P3 Kirby to inhale Monster Flame.

Dimensional Rift in Tree

Despawn P3 Kirby before Rift, then re-spawn before Doomer to use 3P Shield Attack.

ES(12+13) Doomer

Despawn both P2 and P3 before ending level.

Whispy Woods

Grab Fire in Boss Lobby for Whispy.

Spawn P2 during 2nd phase of fight for Whispy to inhale, de-spawn after fight.

2-1 (Fire)

ES(14) Cannon, spawn P2 before entering room and leave at door.

ES(15) Break blocks under door.

Spawn P2 and use Shield Attack against Bonkers, de-spawn after.

ES(16) Break iron blocks with Burn after Bonkers.

2-2 (Fire)

ES(17) Spawn DeDeDe to hit stump.

ES(18) Go in water for door, use P2 to grab ES. De-spawn after.

Super Ability: Flare Beam

Hit blocks to the left right before the goal door for Dimensional Rift.

Spawn P2 Metaknight to use for 1st half of Rift, de-spawn after.

ES(19+20) Doomer


2-3 (Parasol) [MK]

Spawn P2 Metaknight before entering 2-3. Piggyback off of MK.

Grab Tornado from the 1st Tornado enemy in the 3rd room.

ES(21) Spawn P3 Kirby to inhale block, grab Tornado Ability Statue and the ES.

ES(22) Middle Path

Use 3P Shield Attack to kill King Doo, have P3 Kirby inhale Beam.

ES(23) Hit bomb block with Beam.

ES(24) Have Metaknight take the right path with Cannons.

2-4 (Tornado) [MK]

ES(25) Keep Metaknight on the switch, have Kirby get the ES with Tornado.

ES(26) Go left towards the end of Dark room.

Spawn P3 Kirby before Water Galoboros midboss, kill with 3P Shield Attack.

ES(27) Take invisibility crystal with Metaknight.

Super Ability: Ultra Sword

Use P3 Kirby to inhale Ultra Sword.

Dimensional Rift in left block right before goal door

De-spawn P3 Kirby before Rift, Piggyback Metaknight during Rift.

ES(28+29) Doomer

Spawn P3 and P4, use 4P Shield Attack to kill Doomer.

Take an intentional death after collecting ES

Mr. Dooter [MK, P3, P4]

Use 4P Shield Attack to kill Dooter.

3-1 [MK]

Spawn P2 Metaknight before selecting Onion Ocean on the World Map.

ES(30) Hit bomb block above Gordo in 4th room, leave Metaknight at door.

Super Ability: Snow Bowl

Dimensional Rift in Sand Castle

ES(31+32) Doomer

Grab Tornado, use spawn P3 Bandana Dee and P4.

Use 4P Shield Attack to kill Doomer, despawn P4 after fight.

3-2 (Tornado) [MK, Bandana Dee]

ES(33) Use Metaknight to cut rope.

ES(34) Use Banadana Dee's Spear to break bomb block.

De-spawn P2 and P3 after.

ES(35) Take 2nd Boot.

ES(36) Spawn P2 and hit blocks above eel.

3-3 (Tornado)

Spawn P2 Kirby in 3rd room to hit both switches.

Spawn P3 and use 3P Shield Attack to kill Moundo, have P2 Kirby inhale Stone.

ES(37) Use Stone to go under current.

De-spawn P2 and P3 afterwards.

ES(38) Take rightmost path

Super Ability: Monster Flame

Spawn P2 Kirby to inhale Monster Flame.

Dimensional Rift in Octopus before the Goal

ES(39+40) Doomer


3-4 (Parasol)

ES(41) Hit upper bomb block, spawn P2 to leave at door.

ES(42) Door to the right in 3rd room, spawn P2 DeDeDe to get.

ES(43) Use DeDeDe to break metal blocks before the boulder.

ES(44) Have DeDeDe take 2nd Bomb.

ES(45) Hit bomb block in the top of the room with DeDeDe.

De-spawn DeDeDe before ending level.

Fatty Puffer (Parasol)

Grab Parasol in Boss Lobby before Puffer if lost in 3-4.

4-1 (Parasol)


ES(46) Burn Ice blocks

Es(47) Spawn P2 to go up alcove in cannon section.

ES(48) Take lower path with cannons.

Use 2P Shield Attack to kill Gigant Edge, de-spawn P2 after.

4-2 (Fire)

ES(49) Light cannon

ES(50) Take 2nd Boot

Super Ability: Grand Hammer

Dimensional Rift in giant enemy at the end

ES(51+52) Doomer


4-3 (Ninja)


ES(53) Hit switch


Take invisibility crystal


ES(54) Break Ice blocks to take Crystal


ES(55) Break rope behind waterfall

Grab Cutter for Water Galboro mid-boss


ES(56) Take key

4-4 (Water)

ES(57) Go up cannon in 2nd room

ES(58) Take key from Key Dee

Super Ability: Snow Bowl

Dimensional Rift in Snowman

ES(59+60) Doomer


4-5 (Cutter)


ES(61) Take Cannon (If you fall down you can throw cannon back up)


ES(62) Break ice blocks

ES(63) Break ice blocks to the left

ES(64) Use Key on left door

Goriath (Fire)

Use Fire for Goriath, or grab in Boss Lobby if you lost in 4-5.

Alternate route is using Ninja for Goriath and grabbing Wing in 5-1, but it is slower.

5-1 (Fire)


ES(65) Door in star blocks

ES(66) Take upper path and cut rope

ES(67) Hidden alcove to the left under door

ES(68) Don't hit the bomb blocks at the end of the stage

5-2 (Wing)

ES(69) Take bomb, go on the switch, wait for the door to fully open, Condor Head to ES

Stone from King Moundo mid-boss

ES(70) Hit the first 2 stakes, do not hit the 3rd

Super Ability: Flare Beam

Dimensional Rift from 2nd puzzle

ES(71+72) Doomer


5-3 (Parasol)

ES(73) Wait for Key Dee

ES(74) Hit Bomb block with Parasol (Use Beam if you've lost Parasol)


ES(75) Switch puzzle

ES(76) Above Wing


5-4 (Wing)

ES(77) 2nd Boot

ES(78) In between cannons

If you lose Wing, take Fire for Super Bonkers

Super Ability: Grand Hammer

Hit all Stumps for Dimensional Rift

ES(79+80) Doomer


Take intentional death in pit after taking ES.



ES(81) Recycle Fire with Sword

ES(82) Don't take Stone, use Burn to break blocks

ES(83) Take Water

ES(84) Take Spark

Grand Doomer (Spark)

Grab Wing in Boss Lobby before grabbing Warp Star.

Recycle Wing with Ultra Sword during 2nd phase, use Wing for final hit.

6-1 (Wing)

If lost Wing, take Fire

ES(85) Skip past Cannons with Condor Heads (If no Wing take cannons), go in door

Super Ability: Monster Flame

Dimensional Rift in large Bomb before Goal

ES(86+87) Doomer


6-2 (Ninja)

Fire --> Water

ES(88) Above Fire blocks


ES(89) Use stone for Iron blocks

Optional Mix for Wing by jumping into a Crash and inhaling 3 (Fire / Tornado / Parasol are doable as well)

If failed mix, Take Mic

If you have Fire / Tornado, Take Leaf before Dubior Midboss

If you have Wing, recycle Wing with Spark (Otherwise just take Spark)

ES(90) Hit the 3rd switch

If you miss the above switch, is still possible to hit with a Spark fully charge shot in the space in between the cage and the 1st set of bomb blocks

ES(91) Key

6-3 (Wing / Spark)

ES(92) Hit lever

Parasol if you have Spark

ES(93) In gap after hitting switch

Super Ability: Flare Beam

Dimensional Rift after puzzle in next room

ES(94+95) Doomer


Take intentional death after collecting ES.

6-4 (None)


ES(96) Hit iron blocks to the bottom right

ES(97) Go past door


ES(98) Spit Kibble Blade corpse at switch, take Parasol (If missed, go back and use enemy to spit at switch)

ES(99) Take lower path instead of door

ES(100) Door next to eel, Recycle Parasol with Spark

6-5 (Parasol)


ES(101) Autoscroller


ES(102) Door, Condor Head through Gordos

ES(103) Autoscroller

ES(104) Take invisibility Crystal

ES(105) Autoscroller

Metal General (Wing)

Because of how much time Wing saves in 7-1, even if you are really bad with Wing it is not worth it to take Ninja.

7-1 (Wing)

ES(106) Key


ES(107) Take Key above lava


ES(108) Hit bomb block at the end of the room

Super Ability: Snow Bowl

Dimensional Rift in Volcano

ES(109+110) Doomer


7-2 (Whip)


ES(111) During 1st room autoscroller

ES(112) Door, use Crash for switch (use Ninja is you lose Crash)


ES(113) Take right path


Use Hammer for Super Bonkers fight

Super Ability: Grand Hammer

Dimensional Rift under 3rd Puzzle

ES(114+115) Doomer


Mix for Wing with the 3 Ninjas (Fire / Tornado is fine)

If failed, you can die and try again. You can also mix off the projectiles in the Doomer fight.

7-3 (Wing / Fire / Tornado / None)

Take Fighter if you don't mix

ES(116) Hit blocks under lava balls

Ice if you don't have Wing for Dubior mid-boss


ES(117) Door in lava ball towards end of room

ES(118) Take Key (if you lose key, you will have to re-do the stage)

Super Ability: Ultra Sword

Dimensional Rift in Volcano

ES(119+120) Double Doomers


Backtrack to Lor Starcutter for Challenges

Order: Water -> Bomb -> Hi-Jump -> Sword -> Whip -> Item -> Wing

Landia (Wing)

Grab Ninja in Boss Lobby before Landia.

Optional: keep Wing for Landia and Magolor


Recycle Ninja/Wing with Super Abilities

If you fail, Magolor Soul will throw a Ninja / Wing at you at the start of the fight

If you have done all challenges and collected all 120 ES, there is no way you would've missed 100%.


This route is mostly interchangeable with Extra Mode but not entirely

For Extra Mode, Take Ninja before Metal General, and do the Wing Challenge right after and do Hi-Jump Challenge last before Landia.