Kirby Speedrunning Wiki:Namespace Numbers

From Kirby Speedrunning Wiki
Revision as of 05:31, 4 July 2023 by AidanHehe (talk | contribs) (Table Ver)
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List of all namespace numbers on the wiki

Default Namespaces

Game Namespaces

Listed chronologically by how the games appear on the Main Page.

Even numbers are always content namespaces, odd numbers are always talk namespaces.

When editing stylization, be sure to edit both content and talk namespaces simultaneously. Both should have the same styling.


Game Namespace Talk-ns
KDL 3006 3007
KA 3002 3003
KDL2 3004 3005
KSS 3000 3001
KDL3 3008 3009
K64 3010 3011


Game Namespace Talk-ns
Pinball 3012 3013
KDC 3014 3015
Avalanche 3016 3017
KBB 3018 3019
Stacker 3020 3021
KSSs 3022 3023
Tilt 3074 3075


Game Namespace Talk-ns
Knidl 3024 3025
Katam 3026 3027
Squeak 3028 3029
KSSU 3030 3031


Game Namespace Talk-ns
KAR 3032 3033
KCC 3034 3035
KMA 3036 3037


Game Namespace Talk-ns
Krtdl 3038 3039
KTD 3040 3041
KPR 3042 3043
KSA 3044 3045
KFL 3046 3047
Rtdldx 3048 3049


Game Namespace Talk-ns
KEY 3050 3051
KDCo 3052 3053
D6 3054 3055
KFD 3056 3057
Katrc 3058 3059
TKCD 3060 3061
KBBlast 3062 3063
KBR 3064 3065
KEEY 3066 3067
SKC 3068 3069
KF2 3070 3071
KDB 3072 3073