KSS:Main Page/ja

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Revision as of 01:41, 10 May 2023 by Ay seryl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<h3>メインカテゴリ</h3> <h4>Any%</h4> <p>Any%では、可能な限り早く「銀河にねがいを」をクリアします。</p> <p>タイマースタート:ファイルを選択した瞬間</p> <p>タイマーストップ:マルクに最後の攻撃が当たった瞬間</p> <p>クリアする必要のあるモードは「白き翼ダイナブレイド」、「洞窟大作戦」、「メタナイトの逆襲」、「...")
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<languages />;基本情報















Other Category Rules

The Arena

Players compete for the fastest completion time in The Arena, based on the time given by the game once The Arena is won.

This time isn't in real time, as this in-game timer stops during fade-outs, when in the rest area, and for animations when obtaining a copy ability.

RNG manipulation is possible in The Arena, with most setups for manipulation being done before the run starts.

Individual Level Speedruns

Speedruns for the individual sub-games can be performed.

They are not as popular as full-game speedruns.

There are no specific regulations for TASes, as IL runs are disallowed on TASVideos.org.

Category Extensions

Speedruns that are not meant to be taken as competitively as the main board.

Majority are meant to be funny and are not taken seriously.

Category Extensions include:

  • 2 Player - Allows the use of a second controller.
  • Softlock% - Softlock the game as quickly as possible.
  • Low% - Beat the game with the lowest file percentage possible.

About the Rules

Game Resets

In full-game speedruns, there are some points in the game where performing a soft reset can skip cutscenes to save time (such as after defeating Dyna Blade, or during the credits in 100%)

As of November 8th, 2022, resetting the game to save time is allowed, as runs before this date were not allowed to reset.

  • On Speedrun.com, this is indicated by the "Resets" column. A run labeled "Yes" implies that the run uses soft-resetting.
  • 100% runs were split between two categories before this leaderboard change ("Resets Allowed" and "No Reset"), due to many runners finding it odd to need to watch the entire credits sequence.
  • Both 100% categories were combined into one single category after the rule change.

2 Player, Simultaneous Up + Down / Left + Right inputs

In RTA speedruns, 2 player and simultaneous D-pad inputs are prohibited on the main board.

2 player categories exist on the category extension leaderboard.

Simultaneous D-pad inputs have been used in RTA runs, but does not have a leaderboard. Performing on real console can be done through controller modification, but playing on emulator with a keyboard is ideal.

For more information, see <a href="../glitches/simultaneous-dpad.html">Simultaneous D-pad input bug</a>.

In TAS runs, unless otherwise specified, 2 player and simultaneous D-pad inputs are allowed.