
From Kirby Speedrunning Wiki
Revision as of 07:23, 17 July 2023 by DarkRiolu27 (talk | contribs)
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Main Categories

Air Ride All Tracks

Complete Time Attack of all 9 Air Ride mode tracks consecutively with any vehicle.

  • Runs require video proof.
  • Timing starts as you press start to begin the first track.
  • Timing ends upon crossing the finish line of the 9th track.
  • Emulator is allowed for this run.
  • The run is timed primarily by in-game time because of load time inconsistencies between emulator and console.
  • In-game time is the sum of all track times. A time calculator can be found here: http://grun1.com/utils/timeCalc.html to calculate your In-game time.
  • If the player restarts or exits from a level during the middle of a run (such as after selecting the wrong vehicle), the time of the abandoned attempt must be included in the final run time.
  • Any memory card can be used and a completed one is recommended.

Top Ride All Tracks

City Trial Any%

Top Ride Any%

Air Ride Any%


Secondary Categories

All Tracks No Duplicate Rides

Air Ride All Rides All Tracks

City Trial 100%

Top Ride 100%

Air Ride 100%


5 Hot Dogs%

Max Stats

All Stadium Events