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A technique used by several runners. This involves tapping on your controller with your thumb, tapping the floor with your foot, etc. As long as you are physically performing an action in a rhythm, it should work.
A technique used by several runners. This involves tapping on your controller with your thumb, tapping the floor with your foot, etc. As long as you are physically performing an action in a rhythm, it should work.
Depending on how far away the mix is in the roulette, you can change the tempo / number of taps as you feel. A good way to find a consistent method is to open an emulator or official Nintendo release that has save-states, and just practice the timing over and over with the tapping method. After some trial and error, and a good amount of practice, it should come natural after a while.

This video is a general overview of Kirby Super Star mixing. Skip to [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHh6o2liuSc&t=46s 0:46] for the tapping explanation.
This video is a general overview of Kirby Super Star mixing. Skip to [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHh6o2liuSc&t=46s 0:46] for the tapping explanation.

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